More About me:
Hello wonderful people!
My name is Sue.
I am a spiritual woman, I absolutely love the natural world, a sunset walk is one of my favourite things to do.
I adore all animals and nature.
Music is a great passion of mine being connected to the music of the violin.
I spent much of my younger years travelling and exploring other cultures.
If you have any questions about the work I do, please feel free to send me a message through this button.
About my journey:
I started exploring the world of spirituality and healing in my teenage years - I had a thirst for knowledge and wanted to learn more about the hidden world.
This has led to 40 years of discovery, far exceeding my teenage hopes… Having learned to
dowse, I went onto Reiki Healing 1 and 2, a Foundation in Transpersonal psychotherapy and
counselling, and in 2012 trained as a kinesiologist.
All of these disciplines provide different angles to healing and they’ve stood me in good
stead throughout my life.
Finding the Body Code though, was an exciting revelation. It works with the subconscious
finding the root cause of symptoms, it’s simple, direct and incredibly effective. It also acts as a
big umbrella. Part of the protocol is to ascertain any other disciplines or help needed.
I'm passionate about healing people and animals – getting to the root cause of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues. The Body Code does all of this beautifully.